First Presbyterian Church

Come visit Pastor Jan, and our church family!
Janice has devoted her life to serving God through working many years with severely emotionally disturbed youth and then four years as a 5th grade teacher in Christian schools. She graduated from Fuller Theological Seminary in 2005, over 50 years after her father was in the second graduating class! She enjoys reading, writing, singing, playing volleyball, watching and writing movies, laughing/joy, and virtually any board game and especially an occasional cribbage game.
We are now meeting live again on Sundays!! A great place to worship and have fellowship with other believers. We have a small town feel, holding true to the past yet looking to the future. A great place to raise a family and help nurture children into the life of Christ.

Come Visit!
Sunday Services
Service starts at 10:30am, every Sunday. Services can be found online as well!

Adult Classes
Please contact us for our current Adult Class information.

Sunday School
Class held every Sunday during service!